Retirement Income

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3 Factors That Determine How Much Money You’ll Need in Retirement

Planning for your retirement is no joke. You never know what the future might hold, but you don’t want to under-prepare, get to 65, and not have enough money to sustain you through retirement. A general rule of thumb is that you’ll need 80% to 90% of your current annual income during each year of

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Retirement Income Strategies

Types of Retirement Income Strategies Investment in Stocks For people approaching retirement or already retired, you’ll need to develop retirement investment strategies that cover your need to safeguard your lifestyle and have the potential to make significant gains in invested assets enough to earn you an income throughout your life. Stocks are a representation of

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Does the Looming Retirement Crisis in America Worry You?

America’s Retirement Crisis Are you nearing retirement, or have you recently retired? Chances are your retirement income is not sufficient for you to maintain the same lifestyle you enjoyed pre-retirement. Do not feel bad, you are not alone. Most people retiring today or preparing for retirement have less than $30,000 in total savings. Many people

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